La donna nella società italiana, da secoli è considerata solo un oggetto , colei la quale deve mettere al mondo figli, stare a casa e badare al marito. Una società contorta la nostra, che fischia alle soubrette e critica una ragazza per strada.. Quello che è successo ad Aurora Leone ha dell’inverosimile , una partita…

Justice has been done..

today in Minneapolis the history of the American judiciary was made, the policeman who voluntarily killed George Floyd was found guilty of first, second and third degree murder, in practice 75 years in prison. Justice has been done, even if this won’t bring George back to life it is a step forward for the African…


Today in a beautiful and sunny England there was the funeral of Prince Philip, prince consort of the longest-lived queen in the world Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, better known as Queen Elizabeth II, I have always admired this woman, because even if she was destined to become what that is now, she found herself living a…


In America for many years thousands of African Americans have been killed at the hands of the police, but since last year with the death of George Floyd it was hoped that the National Police state would realize that killing a civilian without valid reason, yet from the death of Floyd things have happened, before…

L’Italia non è un paese per…

Sono chiusa in casa dal quattro Novembre 2020 ,da Marzo dell’anno scorso ad oggi ho lavorato solo 150 giorni , di cui 22 solo mattina, sono una delle migliaia di persone che lavorano nella ristorazione.. il settore più colpito mi dicevo all’inizio, ma in realtà non c’è un settore che non sia stato enormemente colpito…

Un anno fa…

È strano.. hai tante cose che ti passano per la testa inerenti a questo ultimo anno, provi a scriverle ,ma dentro sale rabbia e dolore, non bisogna essere scienziati per capire che a Ottobre è stata fatta una stupidaggine pazzesca ,oscurata solo dal fatto che ci hanno tolto il guinzaglio per le ferie estive e…


Today at Inauguration day of President Joe Biden , there were so many things that I personally got excited about, first of all the election of this man .. it was a memorable day for the whole nation because now they finally have a Leader who will be able to reconcile the people first and…


Today i want to celebrate his birthday with the speech that inspired me and make it everyday in world right now in the Pandemic time we need that many politicians take inspiration by the man who died for the people.. right now it’s not just a racial issue.. but is about the good of humanity…..

America vs America

What happened in Washington two days ago is truly unlikely, we have never seen a fall so low for a great nation like the United States, and this is due to only one man, if we want to define him “man”. Donald Trump will surely be one of those presidents who wrote the history of…


It’s like writing a logbook, sixty days ago my last day of work at the restaurant, 60 days ago the knowledge that I would not see that place again before the arrival of 2021, 60 days ago I just wanted this pandemic to end; sixty days ago, I locked myself up in the house, I…